Saturday, October 17, 2009

ancient history

This is a really old one i did in animation school in 2005. People seem to like it, sooo...i might as well put it here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Burning Man 2009!

I finally went to Burning Man! I never really thought I would go. It was SOOOO interesting and SOOOO wonderful. I really hope I can go again. I love making costumes; this has changed my entire approach to it. This beats Halloween by far!

These pictures are of Tammy and me wearing some of the masks we've made. They are all leather except the rainbow monster which is plaster bandage and fun fur. Too hot for the desert!

More Burning Man and California photos HERE.

Superb Fairy Wren

8"x 8" on that lovely Arches cotton paper. I must get better at taking photos of my stuff!