Thursday, December 24, 2009

Breaking Attachments

I haven't inked very much before, so i chose this one to practice on. Much skill to develop!

Monday, November 16, 2009

sketchbook cartoons

I'm in a cartoony mood this week. I don't do this nearly enough. These totally stink.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

ancient history

This is a really old one i did in animation school in 2005. People seem to like it, sooo...i might as well put it here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Burning Man 2009!

I finally went to Burning Man! I never really thought I would go. It was SOOOO interesting and SOOOO wonderful. I really hope I can go again. I love making costumes; this has changed my entire approach to it. This beats Halloween by far!

These pictures are of Tammy and me wearing some of the masks we've made. They are all leather except the rainbow monster which is plaster bandage and fun fur. Too hot for the desert!

More Burning Man and California photos HERE.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sketchbook stuff

I drew the bug creature while listening to H.P. Lovecraft audio books. What a weird dude. I like that those stories are older than pop culture and aren't influenced by it. There seems to be a "language" to character design these days, mostly copying what came before. I'm no different.

Life drawing

It's a rare occasion nowadays that I get to go to life drawing classes. The guy that runs this class mostly hires pretty girls. Creepo.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

new influences

I discovered Imaginism Studios yesterday. Holee! What an inspiring bunch of people. Another great place that is helping me find new direction is I really dig the internet I must say.
I want to grow artistically, but I need to choose a path already. But first I REALLY need to make some cash. Cripes. Life is cruel.

I don't like the gums on this guy. hmm.

new character

Some stolen ideas, fueled by coffee and hurt feelings.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Swampy Snorkle-head

I just did this as fast as i could for the daily sketch group on fun!
jen regan

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Owl Mask

I took a leather mask-making course in Nelson BC. What a groovy medium!

Freedom Fighters!

This is a commision I did for my friend. Ski culture here in Golden is a wonderful thing. I feel sorry for you people in the city......
jen regan

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hooka Smokin'

This is a submission for a job I didn't get. Perhaps I should do a post of my rejection letter collection! ( it's a short list, i swear!)
jen regan

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

loincloth lady

A generic hot fantasy lady. For some reason she can afford fancy jewelery but can't afford to buy a pair of pants. I just noticed the perspective of her weapon thing is off. heck.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monster Battle Mega Action

Some pretty good drawings but awful scans. I intended to ink these but I'm afraid to wreck'em. The bottom guy has no neck and that's a drag.......
jen regan

Superb Fairy Wren

8"x 8" on that lovely Arches cotton paper. I must get better at taking photos of my stuff!